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Surviving Chronic Back Pain: Yoga and Posture Tips

Updated: Aug 9

Our modern lifestyle has brought many of the problems. We spent a lot of time sitting and due to which most of us suffer from chronic back and neck pain. Back pain can be very hard to deal with.

It's important to know about chronic back pain and about the tips that can help in dealing with it. You can know about the yoga and other posture tips that will help you in getting relief. If you suffer from chronic pain then you need to read this blog.

Importance of yoga in healing pain.

Yoga has always been proven in healing of many ailments. Even western culture is now following the guidelines of yoga. Yoga is really important because-

  • Yoga helps in the growth of the body.

  • Yoga has the power of transforming minds.

  • Yoga can be helpful in fighting disease.

  • Yoga helps by healing pain.

  • Yoga is also known for its spiritual healing.

  • One can learn concentration with the help of yoga.

Yoga is important in every aspect of life. People who suffer from chronic back pain need to know about some asanas that can help in healing the pain. The best yoga asanas for healing back pain are shared in the next section.

Best asanas for healing back pain.

The asanas that can help you in getting relief from back pain are shared here and you can check them out. Check the asanas and then perform them accordingly.

  • BHUJANGASANA- This asana is also termed as cobra pose. This is a very helpful asana that you can perform for back pain. For doing this you need to lay on your stomach and then place your palms near your stomach. Slowly raise your chest from the ground and then stretch your body. Stretching can help in many ways. The uses of this asana are shared as follows.

  • It helps in increasing the flexibility of the spine.

  • You can get relief from back pain in your back.

  • It can increase the blood circulation in the neck. 

  • Tension from the body is removed.

  • Marjariasana- This is also known as cat cow pose. This asana is extremely helpful in making your back good. You can perform this asana by placing your palm on the ground and by bending your knees. Firstly you need to alleviate your head and tailbone upwards and then slowly you need to bend your neck and head downside along with your tailbone. The contraction should be done on the spine. It will help you in giving a great feeling. The benefits of doing this are-

  • The tension in back is decreased with the help of it.

  • It makes the whole body flexible.

  • One can get instant relief from the pain.

  • Neck area also feels good by doing so.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana- Try this asana on a smooth ground. For doing this you need to place your palm on the ground. Now you need to bend your back in V shape. Just hold this pose for 15 to 30 seconds and then get relief from pain. The main benefits of doing this are-

  • It promotes blood circulation.

  • The hips and arms also get flexible by doing this.

  • You can perform this easily. 

  • It gives good relief from pain.

These top asanas can help you in getting rid of pain. Make sure you are doing them appropriately for good results. Make a good posture and then get rid of the back and neck pain.

Posture tips that you need to know.

The posture tips that will further help in getting rid of back pain are shared here. Check the tips and use them.

  • The place where you work on screen should be well designed. It should have proper distance and space. The chair should be good too. You need to make your spine erect while sitting.

  • In between make sure that you are standing and stretching your body. It will help in giving relief to the body.

  • Rotate your neck slowly to relieve the tension.

  • Use mobiles at proper distance.

These posture tips can be helpful in getting rid of back pain. Make good posture and then work so that you don't have to suffer from pain.


Back pain can be difficult. You can get rid of it by stretching your body. Just make sure to perform yoga with great precision. Read this blog and then perform yoga asanas that can be helpful in relieving pain.

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