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Writer's pictureDr. Jothinathan Kandasamy

Allergic symptoms: How to manage it daily?

Updated: Aug 7

Daily living with allergies is not easy because their severity may vary from mild manifestations to severe reactions that affect a person’s functioning. However, if the appropriate management strategies have been adopted, people can usually control their allergies and thereby, reduce the manifestation of symptoms daily.

  • Identify Triggers: The first thing that should be done in regards to allergies is determination of the factors that bring on the symptoms. People can be allergic to pollen, dust, fur or hair of animals, mold spores, certain food products or sting of bees or wasps and so on. An effective way of tracking the cues as well as the dangers that may be present in the day-to-day existence of an individual suffering from allergic reactions would be to write symptoms and possible allergens in a journal.

  • Avoid Allergens: The only other thing to do after allergens have been identified is to reduce exposure to the same. Some of the recommended measures may include; sleeping under anti-allergenic mattress cover, closing doors and windows during the pollen seasons, using air purifiers, vacuuming the house frequently and avoiding outdoor activities during the particular days.

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  • Medication: These range from oral medications that one can buy from a chemist over the counter or those that the doctor prescribes. The available drugs used to bring the expression of symptoms include antihistamine medications, decongestants, nasal corticosteroids and eye drops. Hearing aids should also be handled and inserted correctly and not left inside TV sets; one should also adhere to inducing dosage and consulting Doctors before starting a new medicine.

  • Allergy Shots (Immunotherapy): However, if people have very bad allergies that can be barely tampered by medication or avoidance the doctor may prescribe allergy shots. This entails the administration of small doses of allergens into the patient through injections with an aim of making the patient’s immune system to slow down the allergic reactions.

  • Nasal Irrigation: Saline nasal rinse is also effective in rinsing out the allergens and any other irritants that may be within the nasal passages thus minimizing on the congestion. This can be done using neti pot, nasal spray or the nasal irrigation bottle commonly known as neti pot.

  • Eye Protection: For people suffering from allergic conjunctivitis or eye allergies, using shades or protective eyewear will help protect the eyes from possible irritants such as pollen, hence reducing on such effects as itching and redness.

  • Allergy-Proof Your Home: Measures are therefore taken in an effort to allergy proof your home in a bid to have a better living environment in case you are an allergy patient. This may include use of allergy covers on the mattress, and pillows, prohibition of pets in the bedroom, Cleaning and vacuuming often, and placing HEPA filters on the air conditioning and heating systems. 

  • Stay Informed: Monitor, the levels of pollen in the air, air quality warnings and other related data regarding sun, heat, dust etc. in order to have an idea of when to go out as well as when to avoid activities that may worsen allergic symptoms.

  • Emergency Preparedness: In severe cases of allergy such as in food allergy or sting allergy, one should seek any Doctor’s help immediately.

  • Seek Professional Help: If the above measures are not helpful in reducing the effect of allergies or if allergy problems are severe one needs to consult an allergist or an immunologist to get an expert advise on the problem and a detailed programme to manage allergy problems can be found out. Hence, applying stiff activities into daily bearing, it is possible for individuals to control their allergies, decrease their effects and enhance their quality of living. The total approach to managing allergies requires the creation of an individualised, health care based plan to attend to specific requirements as well as the offer of tight control of the symptoms.

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