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Writer's pictureDr. Jothinathan Kandasamy

How to keep your kidneys healthy? What are the fruits to lower creatinine level? For Kidney related patients - What to eat and avoid?

Updated: Aug 9

Nourish Your Kidneys: Dietary Strategies to Reduce Creatinine

Effects of Kidney Disease and How to Reduce Creatinine

  • Stay hydrated: As much as possible, also avoid taking too much alcohol and sweets because these substances put a huge load on the kidneys by placing a heavy load in filtering out toxins and wastes from the blood stream. Adults need to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day and even more if one exercises a lot or lives in a warm climate. 

  • Eat a balanced diet: Make sure that you take the right foods in the right quantities and these are fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. 

  • Monitor your blood pressure: The high blood pressure causes damages the kidneys after some time. please make sure that you check you Blood Pressure frequently at home. 

  • Manage diabetes: Diabetes ranked high among the diseases that affect the kidneys. For people with diabetes, patients should consult with their Physician and keep their blood sugar regulated properly. 

  • Maintain a healthy weight: The findings of the study reveal that obesity contributes to the development of kidney disease. 

  • Exercise regularly: Daily exercise shall therefore be encouraged as it assists in the prevention of renal malfunctioning and delayed onset of chronic renal disease. Minimally, try to perform moderate intensity exercises for at least 30 minutes in at least 5 days per week. 

  • Limit alcohol intake: Alcohol is also known to have a direct impact of the kidney function and proves to be damaging when consumed in large amounts. 

  • Quit smoking: Tobacco usage negatively impacts the blood vessels and the kidneys and thus the possibility of kidney disease. 

  • Get regular check-ups: Go in for routine physical exams and tests, more so if you have the factors that put you at higher risk for kidney disease as is the case when one has diabetes, high blood pressure or if kidney disease is in the family. For worsening of kidney disease to be avoided, the conditions need to be identified in their early states then treated

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Here are some Indian fruits that may offer benefits for kidney health: 

Please, bear in mind that it is important not only to include these fruits to your meals, but It is also important to be moderate in consumption of these fruits and to consult with your doctor or dietitian, if you have had some issues with your kidneys or if you have to deal with creatinine. 

  1. Amla: Amla contains vitamin C and anti-oxidants and these are useful in preventing the kidney from oxidative stresses and inflammation. It may also protect overall kidney function. 

  2. Pomegranate: Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants it has anti-inflammatory compounds as well. This aspect may help to enhance function of the kidneys and lower the incidence of kidney disease. 

  3. Watermelon: It provides water in its fresh form, is virtually a diuretic and takes strain off the kidneys by helping the body expel toxins. It is also rich in potassium and thus recommended for those patients who have kidney problems. 

  4. Jamun: Jamun fruit is highly antioxidant and has more uses in the Ayurvedic system of medicines. Perhaps it can help previously ensure the continuing function of kidneys and avoid complications involving them. 

  5. Banana: Although bananas have potassium in them and people with complications with their kidneys should take small portions of potassium, bananas are rich in vitamin B6 that prevents formation of kidney stones. 


Patients with kidney problems should adhere to a kidney-friendly diet with the aim of alleviating the symptoms, and halting or slowing the progression of the disease. Here are some dietary guidelines for kidney patients: 

 Foods to Eat: 

  • Low-potassium fruits and vegetables: Choose fruits and vegetables that have less potassium like apples, berries, grapes, cauliflower, green beans, and cabbage. Stick with small but regular quantities as this is the key to a dieting goal. 

  • Low-phosphorus foods: Exclude foods that are high in phosphorus such as beans, colas, chocolate, milk, yogurt, cheese, mushrooms, party mixes, and Bailey’s Irish Cream. It is worthy to note that foods that contain high phosphorus are not friendly to the kidneys. 

  • Whole grains: Any form of rice, whole grain breads such as whole wheat bread, oats, quinoa, should be consumed for fiber and nutrient density without phosphorus or potassium. 

  • Healthy fats: Also include some quantity of Fatty acids such as olive oil, avocado, nuts, and seeds in order to have some levels of healthy fats. 

  • Low-sodium foods: Avoid high-sodium products, consume as fewer processed foods, canned soups and avoid salty snacks and always look for fresh foods or those that are least processed. 

  • Dairy alternatives: If phosphorus or potassium concentration in your foods is prohibited then go for low phosphorus or potassium containing products such as almond milk or rice milk which is present in the dairy products. 

  • Herbs and spices: Employ herbs and spices when cooking, avoid using salt in foods and instead, use lemon juice in order to cut down on sodium intake. 

Foods to Avoid or Limit: 

  1. High-potassium foods: It is recommended that people suffering from kidney disease should reduce the intake of potassium laden foods such as bananas, oranges, tomatoes, potatoes, spinach, and beans which sharply increase the potassium levels in the body. 

  2. High-phosphorus foods: Limit phosphorus containing foods which include: Milk, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and processed foods. 

  3. Processed and packaged foods: Do not consume processed and packaged foods, this is because most of the foods contain large levels of sodium, phosphorus additives and other related foods. 

  4. Red meat: MODERATION of red meat and processed meat since they are rich in protein and phosphorus which affects the kidney. 

  5. Alcohol: Minimise or completely avoid alcohol as it can reduce the kidney functionality and also lead to high blood pressure. 

  6. Sugary foods and beverages: Minimize consumption of foods rich in sugars and those drinks/foods that cause diabetes, obesity, or other illnesses that can adversely affect kidneys. 

People with the kidney issues should coordinate with your physicians or a registered dietitian to have your ration that is suitable for your condition and illnesses. 


You should note that as much as protecting your kidneys is a complex process that requires the following pillars of a healthy life; aerobically balanced diet, water and exercise. Therefore, tracking creatinine levels and enhancing one’s lifestyle can be useful in maintaining kidney health and promoting kidney function well into the future. 

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